Introducing Conceal Remote Nodes

Conceal Network
3 min readApr 26, 2019


A Conceal Remote Node is a public node that allows other users to connect safely and use your Conceal Daemon to send transactions for a fee. There are many users that don’t want to run their own daemon or synchronize the entire block-chain. With a public remote node, users can do this without the node operator knowing which wallet is connecting or any information about the wallet. Read on for instructions on setting up a remote node. For instructions on connecting to a remote node using the wallets, please see here.

The desktop wallet connected to a remote node.

Setting up a remote node

There are only two things you need to run your own Conceal Remote Node and start making some money from transactions.

First, you will need a computer (or a server) with a static IP address and enough resources to run the Conceal daemon. You can also use a VPS from one of the many providers to run a remote node.

Second, you will need a Conceal wallet address which will recieve your fees. You can generate a paper wallet address from, or you can use either the command-line or desktop wallets to generate a new wallet.

Running the remote node

Once you have your computer (or server) ready, all you need to do is download the latest release (5.3.0+) of the Conceal core and run the daemon with the — fee-address argument with your fee address, and bind the daemon to run on your external IP. Here is what the command would look like:

on Linux

./conceald — rpc-bind-ip — fee-address ccx7Ku7FLGdhUZTm8qPA5Ef1dHVpYZsmb4EYyKzNdUqJGPGQcpQRsTHPE7DUeMqbLj8y2LtA75H9aWvNe7U7g7Uy8D3ozy3RzR

on Windows

conceald.exe — rpc-bind-ip — fee-address ccx7Ku7FLGdhUZTm8qPA5Ef1dHVpYZsmb4EYyKzNdUqJGPGQcpQRsTHPE7DUeMqbLj8y2LtA75H9aWvNe7U7g7Uy8D3ozy3RzR

That’s it. Now you have remote node running.

Getting others to use your node

The easiest way to get other users to connect to your remote node is to get listed in the Nodes list on the Conceal Explorer here:

The list of remote nodes on the Explorer

Getting listed is simple, and all you need to do is run your remote node with the Conceal Guardian. There are instructions on how to do that here: Now your node will be on the explorer node listings page, and be monitored by the Guardian.

Once your node is on the nodes list on the explorer, any user can use the new Conceal Desktop wallet and command-line wallet to connect to your node and use that exclusively. The Conceal Desktop wallet also has a Automatic Remote Node mode that automatically chooses a random remote node at startup and uses that for the duration of that session. This will help spread the load between the available remote nodes.

