This month in Conceal (August 2019)

Conceal Network
4 min readAug 2, 2019

Developer Updates

Conceal Desktop

For the next few months we will iteratively improve the Conceal Desktop experience. This month we are looking at updates that add Russian language support during the first half of the month, and then Portuguese support towards the latter half. During the rest of the year we will add Ukrainian, Italian, French, Spanish, German, Chinese, and Japanese. We aim to have as many languages as possible across all our properties, starting with the most popular wallet.

In addition to the above, the plan is to fix some bugs and add some small changes, such as showing the values in Euros, an approximate date and time when a deposit will mature, an auto refresh for the stats and charts, as well as better handling of the connection and other settings.

Conceal Core

Now that we have the cause of the recent chain split, the plan is to put changes in place that prevent that from happening again. To that end, we will change the optimization flags that caused the issue and change the conditions under which it causes the error. Also, in a recent update we changed the cost of optimization/fusion transactions from 100 X to 50 X. With that change behind us, we will not prioritize transactions going into a block in the following order: higher fee transactions, deposits, regular transactions, and then optimization/fusion transactions.

Conceal ID

Most of the work on Conceal ID is now complete, with only the charging module under development. Once that is complete, we will run the last phase of testing and then launch it to the public, in the next month or two.

Conceal Explorer

The mining pool list on the Block Explorer is now powered by the Conceal Services API. Now any service can query the API to get a list of mining pools, height, hash rates. Etc. This upgrade expands on the services already available from the API, which includes charts, etc. The pool list from Conceal Services also powers the pool list on the main Conceal website.

Conceal Website

We will also begin the work on adding multi-language support to the website. At present, only the Explorer and Wallets have support for more than one language. As mentioned above, the website now shows real-time information on the current mining pools and their stats.

Conceal Cloud

Now that Conceal Cloud, Conceal Mobile, and the Conceal Pay launches are behind us, work begins on adding messaging support to Conceal Cloud, with the eventual introduction of a mobile client. We are still working on the finer points of the interface and its full functionality; however we expect to introduce regular encrypted messages, followed by support for self-destructive messages afterwards.

Conceal Mobile

With the successful launch of the beta of Conceal Mobile for Android, development will slow down this month to ensure that we capture (and fix) as many bugs as possible, before introducing any major changes. Support for a scaling interface so it renders better on more devices is currently in development and will go into testing early next month. Also, there will be a tutorial for new users, so we have better on-boarding for mobile.

Conceal Guardian

The latest release of Conceal Guardian now has support to auto-update your node to the latest version. The check for the new version happens every ten minutes. So please update your node to the latest version of the guardian as soon as possible and enable auto-update. This way we can ensure that in the event of an upgrade, we will have quick distribution of the latest version.

Other Updates


Conceal was listed on two exchanges last month, CITEX and VB. Increasing our presence for our users in Asia.

